Who we are

PlusOne was created in April 2011 by Sophie Gravy: "after 15 years in HR and recruitment roles in technology and pharmaceutical companies, the time had come to create my own business and turn to smaller, agile and innovative structures". Since 2011, PlusOne's DNA has not changed: we remain the first recruitment agency entirely dedicated to start-ups and SMEs active in theBiotech, Medtech and Hightech fields. Our focus on these three sectors has enabled us to accompany the growth of small innovative structures supported by a fertile Belgian and Walloon ecosystem since 2011.

Our team grows and is enriched each year with new experienced recruiters. Our recruitment experts operate from 3 offices based in Liège, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve.
Our mission
Our advantage
Our motto

Our mission

To accompany small innovative companies at every stage of their development by recruiting rare and specialised profiles.

Our advantage

A recognised knowledge of the needs and constraints of start-ups at each stage of their growth as well as a solid expertise in the professions related to the Biotech, Medtech and Hightech sectors.

Our motto

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome." (William James).

Faced with a severe shortage of talent and increasing competition to attract the best, faced with companies affected by casting errors, faced with the emergence of new ways of working, we remain determined in the long term to fill the positions entrusted to us, whatever the difficulties!

Our references

These start-ups and SMEs have been entrusting us with their recruitment projects for years:

L'équipe PlusOne

Contact us

Any questions?  Contact our team, we will be happy to give you an answer!

Contact the team